Sometimes what’s hard is not actually cleaning the home, but managing to keep the home clean. Now, there are essentially two ways that you could keep your home regularly clean. One way is to walk on eggshells all day hoping to never spill anything and by god don’t ever let the pets in the house! The other method that you can try, which is much more practical, is cleaning regularly. We know that a lot of times you may not have the time or the energy to get that done on your own. That’s exactly why we propose that you allow us to help!
These bi-weekly services usually revolve around what most people would consider regular cleaning. Things like mopping, sweeping, vacuuming, and dusting are all going to be on the table as possibilities. As is the case with all of the services that we provide you’re going to be able to tailor the service to your particular needs. Usually, the main difference between the type of cleaning that we do in this service compared to our deluxe deep cleaning is that deluxe deep cleaning will usually involve things like extensive carpet and upholstery cleaning.
In most cases, we are going to be cleaning with a combination of our supplies and what you as a homeowner can provide. As you can imagine there are plenty of people out there that are very particular about the type of chemicals that they want to be used on their property. We can say outright that we totally respect that. If you have very specific instructions for us we’ll be more than glad to follow them. Of course, you’ll have to make sure that we have those particular chemicals on hand to be able to use them. If you want us to bring our own things we can do that as well!
We get this question all of the time. We have to admit that the title of the service is a bit intentional. People use the term biweekly interchangeably to refer to twice a week and twice a month. The purists will say that the usage of the term to mean two different time frames is wrong. What we want to get across though is that we can come in twice a week, twice a month, three times a week, once a week. You have the ability to create your own schedule with us.
Another main concern that we see is that people usually want to keep or have some type of consistency with their staff. So they’ll want us to send the same person to tend to their home. We are mostly going to want to keep the same staff on a particular rotation. Therefore, it’s very likely that the same person is going to continue to work for you. We do have a specific rotation of staff members therefore, we may switch our staff member that helps you out on a certain week.
Are you interested in booking any of our services or finding out more about what we can do for you? Then give us a call or contact us. We’ll be happy to discuss what type of cleaning service we could help you with. One call can get you much closer to a cleaner looking and feeling home!
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